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Ruby and Onyx: The Mystique of July's Birthstones

by gems build 02 Mar 2024

Are you born in July? If so, you're in luck! Ruby and onyx are the birthstones for July, and they're not only stunning gemstones but also have significant meanings and characteristics. In this blog, we will explore the captivating world of ruby and onyx, delving into their benefits, characteristics, symbolism, and rich history. So, let's dive in and discover the allure of these July birthstones. 


Characteristics and Physical Properties of Ruby 

Ruby, a fiery red gemstone, is known for its vibrant color and exquisite beauty. Its intense red hue is a result of chromium in its composition. It belongs to the corundum family, which also includes sapphires. The gemstone's hardness, second only to diamonds, makes it highly durable and perfect for jewelry that can withstand everyday wear. 

The color of a ruby can vary from pinkish red to deep crimson, with the finest rubies possessing a pure, intense red color. These precious gemstones are typically transparent, allowing light to pass through and enhancing their brilliance. Rubies are often cut into various shapes, such as oval, round, pear, or cushion, to highlight their natural beauty and maximize their sparkle. When it comes to carat weight, rubies can range from small, delicate stones to larger, more substantial ones. 

The allure of ruby lies not just in its physical attributes but also in its symbolism and significance. Let's explore the deeper meaning behind this stunning gemstone. 


Symbolism and Significance of Ruby

 Ruby has long been associated with passion, love, and courage. Its vibrant red color symbolizes energy and power, making it a popular choice for jewelry that conveys strength and confidence. In ancient times, rubies were believed to have the power to protect the wearer from harm and bring good fortune. Warriors wore rubies on their armor to grant them strength and invincibility in battle. 

In addition to its protective qualities, it has also been linked to matters of the heart. It is considered a gemstone of love and passion, believed to ignite feelings of desire and romance. Ruby jewelry is often exchanged as a symbol of deep love and commitment, making it a popular choice for engagement rings and anniversary gifts. 

Beyond its emotional symbolism, it is also believed to possess healing properties. It is said to stimulate the heart chakra, promoting vitality, courage, and self-confidence. It is believed to improve blood circulation, enhance concentration, and boost overall energy levels. It is also believed to alleviate feelings of exhaustion and promote a sense of well-being. Whether you wear ruby for its aesthetic beauty or its potential benefits, it is a gemstone that brings both elegance and significance to any jewelry collection. 

Benefits and Healing Properties of Ruby 

Ruby is believed to offer a range of benefits and healing properties to the wearer. Let's explore some of the potential advantages associated with this mesmerizing gemstone: 

Energy and Vitality: Ruby is said to enhance energy levels and promote vitality. Wearing ruby jewelry or carrying a ruby stone is believed to invigorate the body and mind, helping to combat fatigue and increase motivation. 

Emotional Balance: Ruby is thought to foster emotional balance and promote a sense of calmness. It is believed to help overcome feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression, promoting emotional well-being. 

Passion and Love: As the gemstone of love and passion, it is believed to ignite feelings of desire and strengthen romantic relationships. It is said to enhance feelings of love, commitment, and devotion. 

Protection and Good Fortune: Ruby has long been associated with protection and good fortune. It is believed to shield the wearer from harm and bring luck and prosperity. Ancient civilizations considered rubies as powerful talismans against evil spirits and negative energies. 

It is important to note that while these beliefs and associations have been passed down through generations, they are not scientifically proven. However, many individuals find comfort and inspiration in the symbolism and potential benefits linked to ruby. 

Now that we have explored the characteristics, symbolism, and benefits of ruby, let's turn our attention to onyx, the other birthstone for July. 

Characteristics and Physical Properties of Onyx 

Onyx, a striking black gemstone, is known for its sleek beauty and elegant appearance. It belongs to the chalcedony family, a type of microcrystalline quartz, and is commonly found in black or dark brown hues. Onyx is known for its smooth, polished surface, which adds a touch of sophistication to any jewelry piece. 

The hardness of onyx ranges from 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, making it a relatively durable gemstone suitable for jewelry. It is often cut into cabochons or carved into intricate shapes, showcasing its unique patterns and enhancing its visual appeal. When held up to the light, onyx may exhibit translucency or even subtle bands of color, known as agate onyx. 

The captivating beauty of onyx extends beyond its physical attributes, with deeper meanings and symbolism associated with this enchanting gemstone. Let's delve into the significance of onyx. 

Symbolism and Significance of Onyx 

Onyx has been revered for centuries for its protective and grounding qualities. Its deep black color is often associated with power, mystery, and strength. In ancient times, onyx was believed to absorb negative energy and provide protection against evil spirits. 

The rich symbolism of onyx is closely tied to its ability to foster emotional balance and stability. It is believed to help release negative emotions and promote a sense of calmness and tranquility. It is known as a stone of inner strength, providing support during times of stress, grief, or confusion. It is said to encourage self-control and promote positive decision-making. 

Beyond its emotional significance, it is also believed to possess physical healing properties. It is said to aid in the treatment of various ailments, such as improving digestion, strengthening the immune system, and promoting healthy skin. 


Benefits and Healing Properties of Onyx 

Onyx is associated with a range of potential benefits and healing properties. Let's explore some of the advantages linked to this captivating gemstone: 

Protection and Grounding: Onyx is believed to absorb negative energy and provide protection against harmful influences. It is said to create a shield of strength and stability, helping the wearer feel grounded and protected. 

Emotional Balance: Onyx is known for its ability to foster emotional balance and stability. It is believed to help release negative emotions and promote a sense of calmness, reducing anxiety, and stress. 

Confidence and Self-Control: Onyx is thought to enhance self-control and promote a sense of empowerment. It is believed to boost confidence, improve focus, and aid in decision-making. 

Physical Healing: Onyx is said to possess physical healing properties. It is believed to aid in the treatment of skin disorders, strengthen the immune system, and improve overall vitality. 

As with ruby, it is important to note that these beliefs and associations are not scientifically proven. However, many individuals find solace and inspiration in the symbolism and potential benefits linked to onyx. 

Origin and History of Ruby as a Birthstone 

The rich history of ruby dates back thousands of years. The gemstone has been highly valued and sought after by various civilizations around the world. 

Ruby's name is derived from the Latin word "ruber," meaning red. Its striking color and rarity have fascinated humans for centuries. The first recorded discovery of rubies was in Myanmar (formerly Burma), where the gemstone was highly revered and considered a sacred stone. Ancient Burmese warriors believed that rubies made them invincible in battle, and kings wore them as a symbol of power and authority. 

Ruby has also been associated with ancient Indian mythology. In Hindu culture, ruby was considered the "king of gems" and was believed to protect against evil and bring good fortune. It was often set in jewelry and worn by royalty and noble families. 

Over time, ruby's popularity spread to other parts of the world, including ancient Greece and Rome. The gemstone was highly valued for its beauty and symbolism, often set in crowns, scepters, and other regal adornments. 

Today, rubies can be found in various parts of the world, including Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and Madagascar. Each region offers unique characteristics and qualities, contributing to the diversity and allure of this captivating gemstone. 

Origin and History of Onyx as a Birthstone 

Onyx, like ruby, has a long and storied history. The gemstone has been cherished by different cultures throughout the ages. Let's explore the origin and history of onyx as a birthstone. 

The name "onyx" is derived from the Greek word "onyx," meaning "claw" or "fingernail." This name refers to the gemstone's resemblance to a human fingernail, with its smooth, polished surface. 

Onyx has been used in jewelry and decorative objects for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians believed that onyx possessed protective qualities and used it to create amulets and talismans. They also used onyx in their burial rituals, believing it would protect the deceased in the afterlife. 

In ancient Rome, onyx was highly prized and often used in cameos, engraved gems, and intaglios. The gemstone was associated with strength and courage and was believed to bring good fortune and protect against evil. 

Throughout history, onyx has continued to captivate, with its sleek beauty and powerful symbolism. Today, onyx can be found in various regions, including Brazil, India, Uruguay, and the United States. 


In conclusion, ruby and onyx are the birthstones for July, and they hold a special place in the world of gemstones. Ruby, with its fiery red color and powerful symbolism, represents passion, love, and courage. Onyx, with its striking black beauty and grounding properties, symbolizes strength, protection, and emotional balance. Both gemstones have a rich history that spans centuries and have been prized by various cultures. 

Whether you're drawn to the vibrant allure of ruby or the sophisticated elegance of onyx, these July birthstones offer much more than aesthetic beauty. They carry deep meanings, potential benefits, and an undeniable sense of mystique. Celebrate your July birthday with the captivating allure of ruby and onyx, and let their timeless beauty and symbolism inspire you. 

Experience the magic of birthstones! Explore the passionate energy of garnet, the peaceful calm of amethyst, and the hopeful aura of aquamarine. Discover strength in diamond, affection in emerald, and enchantment in alexandrite. Kindle desire with ruby, seek tranquility in peridot, and attain wisdom in sapphire. Embrace the vibrant liveliness of tourmaline, the comforting embrace of topaz, and allow either tanzanite or turquoise to pave your way forward.


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